Rabu, 04 November 2009

Brad "Evel Knievel" Pitt Wants Deals on New Wheels

Stop the international presses! Brad Pitt is kinda maybe sorta interested in buying himself another motorcycle.
This is the breaking news flash out of Tokyo this morning, where the Beautiful Bearded One is currently making the promotional rounds for Inglourious Basterds, which is finally opening in Japan.
"I had a little mishap," he explained when asked about his pavement-pounding, paparazzi-captured bike topple last week.
"No injuries, except my ego. I was trying to get away from some paparazzi and instead gave them a good story."
Actually, Brad, "good" may be overselling it a bit, but we'll assume that after three months on the publicity trail, any new talking point is welcomed with open arms.
"It was my favorite bike, so that is really sad."
Not Iraqi-refugees-in-Syria sad, mind you, but still a bit of a bummer. And a rather easily fixable one, at that.
"I will definitely be looking at motorcycles," he said. "You've got some of the best builders right here."
Something tells us this guy would beg to differ. But domo arigato all the same.

Gerard Butler Goes To War With Ralph Fiennes

Call it a buddy tragedy.
Fresh off comedy with The Ugly Truth and the upcoming The Bounty with Jennifer Aniston, Gerard Butler has agreed to star in Ralph Fiennes' adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy Coriolanus, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
As you may remember from the SparkNotes, the play follows the exploits of a prideful Roman war hero (Fiennes) who turns against his own people with the aid of his former foe, to be played by Butler.
Bloodshed and iambic pentameter ensue. (Spoiler alert: Shakespeare's tragedies generally don't end well for the leads.)
According to the trade, Fiennes' first foray into film directing will update the 1608 play with a contemporary setting, though presumably with the original language more or less intact.
Because if you mess with Shakespeare's poetry, that would be a real tragedy.

Sixth Hollywood Burgarly Suspect in Custody

Another suspect is down for the count.
Los Angeles police confirmed to E! News Wednesday that Jonathan Ajar, 27, another suspected member of a burglary ring that hit up the houses of Hollywood's rich, young and famous is in custody after turning himself in today.
The cops had no further comment, but the L.A. District Attorney's Office says that charges had already been filed against Ajar in absentia, none of them having to do with the actual act of burglary, but rather related to the guns and drugs found when authorities searched his home on Oct. 22.
"We didn't file any charges against him related to the actual burglary," D.A. spokeswoman Jane Robison said. "We charged him with multiple counts of possession, for sale of a controlled substance and possession of a firearm."
Officials warned last week, when Ajar was nowhere to be found, that he should be considered armed and dangerous.
So far, alleged ringleader Nicholas Prugo, 18, has been charged with seven counts of residential burglary; Diana Tamayo, 19, is charged with two; and Alexis Neiers, 18, Roy Lopez Jr., 27, and Courtney Leigh Ames, 18, are each facing one count.
Prugo is accused of participating in the break-ins at the homes of Lindsay Lohan, Audrina Patridge, Orlando Bloom, Megan Fox and Paris Hilton, and the gang also allegedly invaded Ashley Tisdale's space.

Pengenalan Internet

INTERNETA. Pengertian Internet
Ø Interconnected Network - atau yang lebih populer dengan sebutan Internet - adalah sebuah sistem komunikasi global yang menghubungkan komputer-komputer dan jaringan-jaringan komputer di seluruh dunia. Setiap komputer dan jaringan terhubung - secara langsung maupun tidak langsung - ke beberapa jalur utama yang disebut internet backbone dan dibedakan satu dengan yang lainnya menggunakan unique name yang biasa disebut dengan alamat IP 32 bit. Contoh: 192 168 1 12 . Komputer dan jaringan dengan berbagai platform yang mempunyai perbedaan dan ciri khas masing-masing (Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac, dll) bertukar informasi dengan sebuah protokol standar yang dikenal dengan nama TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). TCP/IP tersusun atas 4 layer (network access, internet, host-to-host transport, dan application) yang masing-masing memiliki protokolnya sendiri-sendiri.
Ø Bila anda mempunyai Komputer minimal prosessor 486, Windows 95, Modem, dan line telepon, maka anda telah bisa bergabung dengan ribuan juta komputer lain dari seluruh dunia dan mengakses harta karun informasi di internet.
Ø Mungkin agak sulit dipercaya bahwa cikal bakal Internet sesungguhnya diawali dari Unisovyet, ketika pada tahun 1957 mereka meluncurkan sebuah satelit bernama Sputnik. Peluncuran Sputnik ini dirasakan sebagai “ancaman” oleh musuh besar mereka, yaitu Amerika Serikat.Presiden Dwight D. Eisenhower menyatakan perlunya membangun sebuah teknologi yang membuat AS tetap sebagai negara superior. Kemudian dibentuklah sebuah badan yang disebut Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). ARPA bernaung di bawah Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat atau Department of Defense (DoD). Pada tahun 1969, DoD memberi tugas kepada ARPA untuk membangun sebuah mata rantai komunikasi antara DoD dengan militer yang tidak dapat disabot oleh musuh mereka. Jaringan komunikasi yang diciptakan ini disebut ARPAnet. Pada awalnya, ARPAnet hanya menghubungkan empat buah situs saja, yaitu :
· Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
· University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB)
· University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
· University of Utah
Pada tahun 1970, penelitian yang dilakukan di Stanford University menghasilkan sebuah protokol yang disebut TCP/IP. Protokol TCP/IP inilah yang berkembang terus hingga sekarang dan menjadi protokol standar dalam Internet.
Ø Prinsip Koneksi
Bagaimana sebuah computer dapat terhubung dengan internet? Satu computer dapat terhubung dengan computer lainnya jika computer tersebut berada dalam satu jaringan dengan computer lainnya. Jaringan dimulai dari yang sangat sederhana sampai ke dalam bentuk yang kompleks. Jaringan sederhana adalah hubungan satu computer dengan computer lainnya. Sedangkan jaringan yang kompleks adalah saling terhubungnya jaringan-jaringan yang sederhana. Selanjutnya bagaimana computer kamu dapat menjadi bagian dari jaringan yang kompleks yang disebut internet? Komputer kamu harus terhubung dengan salah satu computer yang telah terhubung dengan internet. Salah satunya adalah dengan memanfaatkan layanan yang disediakan perusahaan penyedia akses internet yang disebut dengan Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Ø Layanan-Layanan/istilah Internet :
1. WWW World Wide Web merupakan suatu bentuk layanan Internet yang menggunakan konsep hypertext antar dokumen yang berkaitan, yang di dalamnya terdapat halaman web (web page). Untuk mengakses www digunakan protokol http (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
2. Protocol : Sejumlah aturan yang menentukan bagaimana dua komputer atau lebih saling berkomunikasi
3. Homepage : Tampilan awal (halaman utama) suatu website yang memuat informasi singkat tentang apa isi dari website tersebut
4. Situs : Suatu alamat di dalam sebuah web
5. Browser : Software yang digunakan untuk surfing atau browsing Internet, seperti Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape dll
6. ISP Internet Service Provider : penyedia jasa layanan Internet, seperti Indosatnet, Wasantara, Meganet dll
7. Download : Menyalin/mengambil file atau objek dari Internet ke komputer
8. E-mail Electronic Mail: suatu layanan/fasilitas yang disediakan untuk saling berkirim surat lewat internet
9. Search Engine Mesin pencari: suatu layanan/fasilitas untuk melakukan pencarian diInternet
10. Mailing List: Suatu forum/kelompok diskusi di Internet yang dapat saling bertukar informasi
11. Chatting : Fasilitas untuk berkomunikasi antarsesama pemakai internet yang sedang aktif (online)
12. E-commerce (electronic commerce) : suatu cara berbelanja / berdagang secara online yang memanfaatkan fasilitas website yang menyediakan layanan get and deliver
13. FTP (File Transfer Protokol) : Digunakan untuk pengambilan data atau arsip dan file secara elektronik. Di internet telah tersedia fasilitas (data)/dokumen yang siap untuk diakses secara gratis.
Ø Ekstensi Addresscom : Commerce, komersialco : Company, perusahaanorg : Organization, organisasigov;go : Government, pemerintahac : Academic, akademikedu : Education, pendidikanmil : Military, militerid : Indonesiaus : United State, Amerikaau : Australiait : Italia

Jaringan Peer To Peer

Desain Jaringan
Setelah mengetahui perangkat pendukung untuk membangun sebuah jaringan komputer, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah mendesain jaringan sesuai yang kita perlukan. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah membangun jaringan komputer peer to peer :1. Langkah 1Langkah awal dalam membangun jaringan komputer adalah menyiapkan media transmisi dengan kabel UTPa. Peralatan1. Sediakan dua (2) buah PC (minimal)2. Kabel UTP dengan panjang maksimal 100 meter per titik komputer3. Konektor RJ 454. Tang (crimping tools) digunakan untuk penyambungan kabel5. Kabel tester6. cutter untuk mengupas pelindung kabelb. Langkah kerja1. Kupas masing-masing pelindung ujung kabel agar kabel-kabel kecil yang ada di dalam pelindung terbuka2. Masukkan ujung-ujung kabel ke konektor RJ-45Jika anda ingin menggunakan jaringan tipe “Straight” maka urutan warna kabel antara ujung 1 dan ujung 2 adalah sebagai berikut : Sedangkan jika anda ingin membuat jaringan dengan tipe Jaringan Cross, maka urutan kabel di ujung ASedangkan urutan kabel ujung B : 3. Gunakan krimping tools untuk mengunci ujung kabel RJ-452. Langkah 2Jika kabel telah selesai dipasang sesuai urutan warna, dan proses krimping juga telah dilakakukan, silakan anda tes koneksi ke-dua ujung kabel tersebut dengan Kabel tester. Langkah selanjutnya, silakan anda pasangkan / sambungkan kabel tersebut ke 2 PC yang telah di sediakan. Untuk setting IP Address, caranya : klik kanan pada Shortcut “My Network Place” -> Properties -> klik Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties. Masukkan IP ,sebagai contoh untuk PC 1 : sedangkan untuk PC 2 : Untuk subnetmask nya biarkan dalam keadaan default : Jika proses pemberian IP telah selesai, baiknya anda melakukan restart komputer, agar koneksi kedua PC dapat resolve dengan baik. Untuk test apakah kedua PC sudah tersambung atau belum, anda bisa melakukan PING dari command promt. “C:/Ping″ -> dari PC 2 “C:/Ping″ -> dari PC 1 Indikator jika jaringan telah terhubung, adalah : Reply from….. Namun jika belum terhubung, indikatornya adalah : Request time out…(dan silakan anda melakukan pengecekan terhadap langkah2 sebelumnya)

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Hug It Out

Earlier this week, we had Vanity Fair trying to make Robsten happen, and today Harper's Bazaar takes a shot at it.
The fashion mag definitely has the upper hand since they talked to both Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart and also managed to have them pose for some steamy gothic romantic photos.
As for the interview itself, writer Laura Brown talked to Rob and Kristen separately in their side-by-side Vancouver hotel rooms and neither star confirmed or denied a relationship. In fact, there's no mention of the mag even asking for clarification—just this speculation:
"At the moment, there is only one thing anyone cares about regarding these two... Are they dating or what? Well...it's clear that Rob and Kristen are close—very close."
And that's it. From there, the rest of the article plays out like the hookup is a sure thing, with questions like "Who is the most romantic then?"

"I have a no-bulls--t detector," Kristen says, "so I'd have to say Rob is. I think romance is anything honest. As long as it's honest, it's so disarming."
Rob's answer: "Um, I don't know. What did Kristen say? No. I'm better at faking."
Obviously, that question was posed to each separately and not in the context of their own relationship, whatever it is. This assumption that Rob and Kristen are a thing without either one ever talking about it continues throughout the rest of the article. Kristen wears the pants! Rob's the competitive one! She calls him "Flippy" because he sucks at stunts!
At one point, Brown even makes light of the tabloids for reporting the two are engaged based on them calling each other "husband" and "wife" on set, which is just as thin as they're "close—very close."
Doesn't matter, though! As long as Rob will say, "She's a unique girl. You really don't meet many people like Kristen." And they'll pose for pictures like this:

The mystery's alive. And they've got two more movies to get through, so we probably won't be getting a real answer to the dating question for a while.
And that's fine. They really do look pretty together.

Lindsay Lohan Plotting Revenge on "Loser" of a Father

Lindsay Lohan 's reached her breaking point with her daddy dearest.
Hours after one of her phone calls to Michael Lohan, apparently secretly recorded by her father, was leaked to ostensibly to show her fragile state, the Parent Trapper attacked on two fronts. She took to Twitter to denouce his actions and also ordered her attorney to seek some kind of legal means to get him out of her life.
"My fathers such a loser & those recordings are from years ago," she tweets. "To release personal things is foul enough, but to edit them. I used to think. That he needed the book for dummies on learning how to be a father. Haha-he's needs the book for dummies on HOW TO BE A MAN."
The recordings, published by Radar Online, find the Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen actress sobbing as she laments to her papa that "no one cares about me" and pours her heart out about problems in their family and her failed relationship with on-off gal-pal Samantha Ronson.
Michael Lohan released the dramatic tape to back up his repeated claims that the 23-year-old needs assistance.
But, according to Linday's lawyer, Michael's the one who's going to need help.
Lindsay's Santa Monica-based attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, tells E! News the starlet wants to "explore all legal options," including the possiblity of filing a criminal complaint against her father.
"Lindsay's concerned about recent actions of his," says Chapman. "She is concerned about defamatory statements about her own personal safety and has instructed me to explore all legal options available to her to get him to stop and to leave her alone."
At issue for Holley is when and where the elder Lohan may have taped the phone call, because that could determine whether she would be able to file a criminal report or merely a defamation or invasion of privacy suit.
"She just wants me to take a look at what appears to be escalating destructive behavior," the lawyer says "We're trying to figure out [where the tape was recorded] right now. If it was in California, the law is very clear. You can't do that.
"Both parties have to authorize it being recorded," says Chapman,"and there's no question Lindsay did not authorize it. If it happened here, he's in violation of the criminal law."
In any case, a petition for a restraining order is the most likely scenario at the moment and Holley says one could be filed by the end of the week.
And the family feud continues...